ChemPolish™ RD-5
ChemPolish RD-5is an acidic bath used for polishing and passivating 300 series (austenitic) stainless steel as well as other alloys such as Alloy 42 (Kovar). Chemically polished surfaces are suitable for use in extreme environments including high vacuum, medical and aerospace applications. ChemPolish RD-5 leaves a clean finish, free of etching, hydrogen embrittlement or halide induced stress cracking. Metal is removed preferentially from high points resulting in a smoother, more leveled surface. The surface is cleaned completely of any organic contamination and is free of soluble inorganic residues.
Defoamer AR™ (RDZ-1969)
Defoamer AR is a fully organic, non-silicone, water soluble defoamer that rinses readily and leaves no residue. It is effective in most aqueous and semi-aqueous systems at any pH. It is odor-free and biodegradable.
Hydrochloric Acid 20 Be
Hydrochloric Acid 20Be is used in Step Four: Inner Layer Etching. This product should be used only for its intended purpose.
Metaltreat 4007
When used as a primary coagulantMETALTREAT 4007 is more effective in reducing sludgevolume than applying traditional inorganic coagulants such as alum, calcium chloride, ferrous sulfate, etc. METALTREAT 4007 is mildly acidic, does not depress pH significantly in neutralization tanks and is environmentally preferable, as it does not contain sulfides or carbamates.
Metaltreat 510
A heavy metal precipitant used to remove metals from wastewater streams. METALTREAT 510is particularly useful in the treatment of wastewater from plating operations. METALTREAT 510precipitates divalent metal ions via a reaction with ferrous chloride.The sludge cake produced from its use is compact, highly insoluble, and easily dewatered. Its low solubility means that it is less susceptible to leaching and is more likely to pass leaching tests such as those required by the U.S. EPA.Note that METALTREAT 510 does not break chelated metals and should therefore be used in conjunction with METALTREAT 513and METALTREAT 530
Metaltreat 513
A heavy metal precipitant used to remove metals from wastewater streams. METALTREAT 513 is particularly useful in the treatment of wastewater from plating operations. It is effective over a wide pH range and, when used as recommended, provides nearly complete precipitation of metals, even in the presence of other chelating or sequestering agents. The sludge cake produced from its use is compact, highly insoluble, and easily dewatered. Its low solubility means that it is less susceptible to leaching and is more likely to pass leaching tests such as those required by the U.S. EPA.
Metaltreat 528 Coagulant
METALTREATTM528 COAGULANTis a precipitant formulated for removal of various free, complexed and chelated metals from industrial process waters. METALTREAT TM 528 COAGULANTis typically an effective replacement for DTC carbamate-type products. METALTREAT TM 528 COAGULANT may be used alone or in conjunction with METALTREATTM 958 FLOCCULANT. METALTREAT TM 528 COAGULANT should be added after pH is increased above 7.0.
Metaltreat 529
A heavy metal precipitant used to remove metals from wastewater streams. METALTREAT 529is particularly useful in the treatment of wastewater from plating operations. Whenused as recommended, METALTREAT 529provides nearly complete precipitation of metals, even in the presence of other chelating orsequestering agents.
Metaltreat 530
A highly concentrated, deodorized, polysulfide based liquid blend. METALTREAT 530 is designed to form a dense, filterable precipitate when treating most regulated heavy metals. The product is effective even when treating strongly chelated and/or complexed metals without employing ferrous pretreatment.
Metaltreat 957
METALTREAT 957is an anionic polymer in emulsion form. METALTREAT 957has been found effective as an anionic flocculant aiding settling of wastewater solids in the PWB/metal finishing, pulp and paper, refining, chemical processing and municipal applications. METALTREAT 957is a high molecular weight molecule with a net negative charge.
Metaltreat 958 Flocculant
METALTREATTM958 FLOCCULANTis a unique highcharge, ultra high molecular weight cationic flocculant. This product is designed to increase floc size, and enhance clarity over a broad pH range. This polymer withstands more shear than conventional flocculants. METALTREATTM 958 FLOCCULANT can be used alone or in conjunction with METALTREATTM 528 COAGULANT.
Metaltreat AF 13-10
METALTREAT AF13-10is asilicone based emulsion used primarily in aqueous waste treatment systems where quick knockdown is required
MetalTreat Chelate Eliminator-8
MetalTreat Chelate Eliminator-8 is an alkaline proprietary blend of waste treatment constituents. This solution offers an easy and economical way to mitigate heavily chelated waste streams in EHS environments.
MicroClean™ CM
MicroClean™ CM is a “micro-cleaner” that is designed to remove extremely tenacious soils from copper, iron, iron-nickel and iron-nickel-chrome alloys. MicroClean™ CM was created to meet the needs of the Chemical Milling Industry. It can remove even baked-on organic compounds, such as may be found on sheets of Alloy 42, stainless steels or copper as they are received or after stripping baked-on photoresist.
Pure Isopropyl Alcohol
Isopropyl Alcohol is a colorless, flammable liquid with a characteristic alcohol odor. It is completely miscible with most solvents, including water, and is a suitable solvent for acrylic and epoxy resins, ethyl cellulose, natural resins, gums, polyvinyl butyral, alkaloids, and some essential oils.
ResiStrip™ PFBZ (RDZ-1657)
ResiStrip PFBZ is formulated to remove a wide variety of fully aqueous photoresists in a spray application. It provides fast strip speeds and contains brightening and antitarnish agents for a uniform copper surface for automatic optical inspection and better etching characteristics. It produces filterable particles for extended bath life.
ResiStrip™ SR
ResiStrip™ SR is designed to the chemical milling industry’s requirements for stripping resist from Copper, Alloy 42 and Stainless Steel. ResiStrip™ SR strips thoroughly and quickly while leaving the base metal in a bright tarnish free condition.
Select Strip™ Plus
A unique, fast-acting, single step, peroxide based stripper for tin/lead or tin. It has a mild etching action on copper that will effectively clean copper for subsequent processing. SELECT STRIP PLUS™is a non-fuming odorless stripper. Designed for conveyorized whole panel stripping in spray applications.
Unscented Film Cleaner
A high-performance, fast drying cleaner for removing oil, grease, fingerprints and dirt from silver emulsion films. UNSCENTED FILM CLEANERcontains an antistatic agent to eliminate static build up problems.