ChemPolish™ ET
ChemPolish ET (RDX-1096)is an acidic bath used for polishing and passivating 300 series (austenitic) stainless steel as well as other alloys such as Alloy 42 (Kovar). Chemically polished surfaces are suitable for use in extreme environments including high vacuum, medical and aerospace applications. ChemPolish ET (RDX-1096)leaves a clean finish, free of etching,hydrogen embrittlement or halide induced stress cracking. Metal is removed preferentially from high points resulting in a smoother, more leveled surface. The surface is cleaned completely of any organic contamination and is free of soluble inorganic residues.
ElectroClean™ EC (RD-44)
ElectroClean EChas been used in automated reverse current(anodic) cleaning machines, such as the machine offered by the ChemcutCorporation, but can be used in any automated cleaning process. ElectroClean ECremoves any coatings, organic soils, fingerprints. When cleaning copper, ElectroClean ECis often followed by an acid cleaner, but can be followedby a microetch.This will usually not be necessary when ElectroClean ECis used as an anodic electrocleaner.ElectroClean ECcan be used for cleaningcopper, iron and stainless steel.Machine clean-out is facilitated as sludging is negligible. Solution life is monitored by checking metal content. Change out working solution when sludging is observed, or metal content exceeds 5 grams per liter.
MicroClean™ CuL
MicroClean CuL is a micro-cleaner” that is designed to remove extremely tenacious soils from copper
MicroClean™ CuLX
MicroClean CuLX is a micro-cleaner” that is designed to remove extremely tenacious soils from copper
MicroClean™ S
MicroClean S is a low foam cleaner for removing fingerprints, chromate and oxide residues from copper and other metal foils prior to photoresist lamination or oxide.