Renowned journalist, Sashi Nair, publishes an insightful story in the January issue of RIND Survey.
During a recent trip to Chennai, India, RBP Chemical Technology’s Rob Coleman, managing director – RBP Asia (also director of Sales & Marketing – Electronics RBP) met with the Press Institute’s director, Sashi Nair as a follow up to the Institute’s December RIND Survey cover story. The December issue featured the tie-up between Chennai’s Kapoor Imaging and Milwaukee, USA-based RBP Chemical Technology. Nair interviewed Coleman, Kapoor Imaging’s MD Sunil Kapoor, who has 36-years experience in the print industry, and young executive director Varun Kapoor at Kapoor Imaging’s office in Royapettah, Chennai.
The article reveals interesting insights from these industry veterans on a wide range of topics from international commerce to quality control, along with sage advice about the challenges of product development and developing strategic alliances.
The Q&A style format of the article offers a unique insiders glimpse that you’re sure to enjoy.
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